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Valorant Agent 16 - Release Date June 22, Codename, Abilities and Gameplay, Leaks.

 Valorant's Agent 16, codenamed Grenadier, is on the way, but not in Episode 2 Act 3. Instead, players will need to wait a touch longer.

Here’s what we all know.

With the launch of the latest Agent Astra, there are now 15 Valorant Agents, and players were expecting Agent 16 to return in Episode 2 Act 3, but Riot skipped the discharge.

It’s sent the community into a touch of disarray, given Riot released a replacement map in Breeze. However, don’t be too worried, Agent 16 is coming, just not immediately. Here’s everything we all know.



Valorant agent 16 Riot Games

Given the regular teasers of player cards and promo videos didn’t cause anything in Episode 2 Act 3, there’s hasn’t been much to travel off for Valorant’s next Agent.

Players originally thought a promotional video on the Arabian Valorant account could be a teaser for the new Agent in valorant. However, this clothed to be a trailer for Strike Arabia, a replacement tournament.

Valorant Agent 16 leaks: Codename


A grenadier was initially a particular fighter, first settled as a positive job inside the mid-to-late seventeenth century, for the tossing of projectiles and now and then attack tasks. Around then, grenadiers were looked over the most grounded and biggest officers. 

By the eighteenth century, the tossing of projectiles was not significant, however, grenadiers were as yet picked for being the first solid troopers and would lead attacks inside the field of fight. Grenadiers would likewise frequently lead the raging of fortress penetrates in attack fighting, albeit this job was all the more normally satisfied by all-arm units of volunteers called forsaken trusts, and may also be satisfied by sappers or pioneers. Nations like France and Argentina set up units of Horse Grenadiers and for a period British Army had Horse Grenadier Guards. Like their infantry grenadier partners, these pony-mounted fighters were picked for their size and strength.

Valorant Agent 16 details: Abilities & gameplay

A new character equipped with their own grenades might be on the way.

Riot provided a brand-new teaser on Agent 16 and mentioned a touch about their abilities. consistent with the post, subsequent Agents will have abilities that ought to be familiar to gamers who enjoy traditional first-person shooter titles — with some twists.

“This is an Agent whose utility can create moments where you want to believe your gunplay,” Riot wrote. “The new Agent is coming soon, and we all are looking forward to seeing what you think that once they finally say hye !”

Based on this, and therefore the “Grenadier” leaks from earlier, we will start building an approx. the idea of how Agent 16 might play. Clearly, the new character jumps into every map with some sort of explosive power. this might be within the sort of a standard grenade-like Raze’s Paint Shells or traps that need activation, like Killjoy’s Nanoswarm.

Valorant Agent 16 release date

Riot threw a spanner within the works by not following the previous schedule of 1 Agent per Act with Episode 2 Act 3.

That means we will expect Agent 16 to drop by Valorant Episode 3 Act 1, thanks to launch on June 22, 2021, right after the battle pass expires. This has been pretty heavily hinted at during Riot’s June 2 post discussing what’s arising as a part of the title’s one-year anniversary celebrations.

Creating “moments where you want to believe your gunplay” sure makes it sound like another Duelist or Sentinel is on the way also — though Grenadiers also are known for his or her ability to interrupt into enemy strongholds, so perhaps there’s an opportunity Agent 16 leans more towards the Initiator role instead.

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