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Valorant Agent 16 (Grenadier): Leaks, release date, abilities and many more.

Despite the widespread belief that we’ll see Agent 16 in Episode 3, Act 1, because It’s now been more than two months since the last Valorant agent, Astra, was added to the game.

As such, data miners have been hard at work analyzing strings of code in each and every new patch – and, well, they think they’ve found something. They added a new map Breeze into the Valorant ranked queue, data miners believe they found the code name of the new Valorant agent, destined for release approx. at end of the June.

Known only as ‘Grenadier’, Valorant Agent 16 may be a little bit of a mystery immediately, so if you’re wanting to know

more, read on. Here’s everything we all know thus far about Agent 16, including their name, role, and skills.






Many players are eagerly awaiting news on when Riot Games will add to the game’s slowly expanding roster, with Episode 2, Act 3 launching with a new map but no playable agent, While we’ve had no official word from the publisher, data miners have found reference to a code name ‘Grenadier’, widely believed to be 16th Agent, following the addition of star­manipulating Astra and the Yoru.

Though the name Grenadier may conjure images of the explosive duelist Raze, it’s important to remember that Riot has

previously clarified that Yoru would be the last duelist for a while. Instead, it’s very likely that the new Valorant agent is

going to be a sentinel, agents with attention on holding angles and flanks, or even an initiator, capable of locating

or debuffing the enemy team to help their own reach or retake spike sites.

It’s also very possible this is a rush to throw off data miners; the code name for Astra was ‘Pain au raisin, French for

raisin bread. Considering how quickly leaks make it onto social media after each update, it’s possible that ‘Grenadier’

could just be a red herring, until Riot is ready to reveal more.


If the code name is correct, Grenadier is probably going to possess grenades, but these could be tailored for situational

play, almost like Killjoy’s Nanoswarms, in line with the role of a sentinel or initiator.

However, if New Agent 16 (Grenadier) is truly a reference to a new, grenade­based operator, similar to Apex Legend’s Fuse, this could

bristle a community that’s grown tired of abilities that do heavy damage or even kill.

“Abilities don’t kill” (or more correctly, “you don’t kill with abilities”) may be a commonly misapplied quote by Riot’s CEO,

Nicolo Laurent, and has been the rallying cry whenever Raze’s grenade or Killjoy’s nano swarm are able to land a

killing blow. While it’s not very likely that we’ll see another agent with such high­damage abilities, it’s clear the

community is jittery at the thought. With a sentinel likely subsequent role to receive an agent, it’s far more probable that subsequent agents are going to be focused on utility rather than raw damage. While it’s as long as they're going to have some more manner of holding spike sites, a more supportive agent would be an excellent fit for the roster.

Sage is constantly always the support agent because of her heal and revives abilities, but someone who could actually buff their allies, perhaps their movement speed or gun damage, would be a great way to add some variety to the gameplay.


Since valorant decided against releasing the new agent in Episode 2, Act 3, we expect Valorant Agent 16’s release date to

be the end of June 2021 (approx.), alongside the start of Episode 3.

Still, with many times between then and now, valorant has the prospect to actually refine Agent 16. Yoru’s release was a bit

Page 1 of a letdown as he entered the game in a very underpowered state, and Astra joined the game as an overpowered

agent, instantly changing the meta.

Riot will want to get Agent 16’s release right in light of the last drops, and while the dev team is making us wait, it’s only building yet more hype around the mysterious new Valorant agent 16.

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