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How to turn Left and Right in Valorant.

Check out these simple steps to alter your view model from right-handed to left:

  • Go to the Settings menu or press the gear icon within the top right corner of the screen.

Under the General tab, scroll down until you get to the “Other” section.

  • Select the “Left” button under the heading, “First Person Handedness.”

  • Press the “Close Settings” button at the rock bottom of the screen to save lots of changes and return to the most screen.

Changing this setting doesn’t just affect your view of your Agent’s hands when you’re during a match. While in spectating mode, all the players that you simply watch also will appear left-handed no matter whether or not they changed their hand model settings or not.

Many competitive CSGO players like switching their view between left and right-handed models and hand orientation don't have anything to try to do with it.

There is some method to the madness, though.

According to some CSGO players, employing a left-hand-oriented model may help open up an outsized part of the lower right screen. Imagine what happens once you play with the right-hand model. In first-person shooters, that section is usually dominated by your weapon.

You may not necessarily get to see that lower corner of the screen, but many players wish to be ready to choose. Having left-hand models can also help lefties who already use a mouse with their dominant hand maintain accuracy without having to interpret spatial differences.

Should you make the switch? It depends on your eye dominance and your personal preferences.

Steven Eldredge, Senior Producer addressed this question intimately. The devs haven't ignored this question so far as tons of players appeared to be asking it. One thing that the devs got to sure about is that the effects it'll wear on the ‘artistic front’. additionally, they're also exploring the effect this update will wear on the ‘competitive integrity of the sport.

“We’re currently within the process of validating how this is able to work from not just a technical side but from a competitive and artistic front also. While this might appear to be a little technical challenge, we would like to form sure this is often done right for players.”

On the artistic front, he says,

“The very first thing we would like to think about is how we maintain the art fidelity of our awesome weapon skins, character models, and skills. We don’t frequently get to ascertain different camera views of our first-person weapons and consider arms so we’ll get to confirm our art still holds up once we switch hands for players.”

Secondly, he addresses the consequences the left-hand view may need on the competitive front.

“We want to make sure that there are not any advantages or disadvantages to twiddling with a left-handed view model which we maintain a good competitive playing field. we would like to form sure that left-hand view isn’t the new meta or that players with this preference aren’t nerfed.”

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